Contribute to the PLOS Synthetic Biology Community

The PLOS Synthetic Biology Community ( is looking for guest contributions! If you have an interesting research project or start-up, a recent publication that you want to explain in lay-mans terms, a point-of-view on a synthetic biology related topic, recap of a conference or talk you recently attended, or anything else you want to write about, get in touch!

Guest posts are usually around 750-1200 words long, but there are no hard limits on anything. If you have an idea of something you want to contribute, email the PLOS Synbio Community Editor, Aakriti Jain at You can also follow them on Twitter @PLOSSynbio and subscribe to their newsletter at


Meet us in London- April 22nd


SynBioBeta announces the 3rd Annual SynBioBeta London 2015!