Write for EUSynBioS Pulse!

Hello EUSynBioS Members!

We’re opening up several writing positions for EUSynBioS Pulse, our blog and newsletter. This is a great opportunity for those of us interested in science-writing other than manuscripts and funding proposals!  

EUSynBioS Writers will get: 

...writing credits on each blog post on our website and newsletter.

...experience in writing about synthetic biology from both a research and policy perspective. We’re looking for writers who could elaborate on recent research manuscripts, policy, or human practice updates. This is an excellent way to start reading and writing about issues beyond your immediate field of research too !

...opportunities for covering synbio events and meeting synbio PIs and companies for interviews and site visits/profiles. 

Being an EUSynBioS Writer will not involve a lot of work: typically, a writer would be expected to contribute about 1 short article every 1-2 months. More frequent contributions would of course be welcome. If you’re interested in joining the EUSynBio Pulse writing team and keen to find out more, comment here, send us an email or tweet us @EUSynbioS. Spread the word!

We're looking forward to your messages!

-Your EUSynBioS Steering Committee


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